Contact us
Dining Reservations
Phone: 1-800-894-1105 • (705) 635-2505
General Inquiries
Port Cunnington Lodge
1679 Port Cunnington Rd.
Lake of Bays Dwight, Ontario P0A 1H0
Visit us
Phone: 1-800-894-1105 • (705) 635-2505
Fax: (705) 635-1524
General Inquiries
Port Cunnington Lodge
1679 Port Cunnington Rd.
Lake of Bays Dwight, Ontario P0A 1H0
Directions to Port Cunnington Lodge
Port Cunnington Lodge is a three-hour drive from Toronto.
Take Hwy. 400 and follow Hwy. 11 north to Hwy. 60.
Head east through Dwight.
Drive south on Hwy. 35.
Then south again on Muskoka Road 21 (Fox Point Rd.),
Then turn right onto Muskoka Rd. 22 (Port Cunnington Rd.)
Directions to Port Cunnington Lodge
Port Cunnington Lodge is a three-hour drive from Toronto.
Take Hwy. 400 and follow Hwy. 11 north to Hwy. 60.
Head east through Dwight.
Drive south on Hwy. 35.
Then south again on Muskoka Road 21 (Fox Point Rd.),
Then turn right onto Muskoka Rd. 22 (Port Cunnington Rd.)